Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Rose petals

As I was looking at Donna Barry jewellery, I started to tear up the rose. I manufactured the rose petals using copper. As you can see figure one below; the copper petals are textured to create natural feel on the metal. The first petal on the left I tried to engrave the veins on the petals but they didn't come out right. Forging them was my second option.

On figure two below; I wanted to add colour on the petals. I decided to use enameling technique. Enameling was giving hard time. Since the petals are domed, the enameling powder doesn't stick on the whole petal. It's quite tricky to put powder on the petals. I had to figure out a way how the powder will stay on the petals.   

Figure 1.
The textured rose petals.

Figure 2
Enameled rose petals.

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