Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Renaissance floral jewelry.

The renaissance period started in the 15th century (1500-1600), in this period  their floral jewellery was colourful, had gemstone stones and made with gold as you can see figure 1 and 2 below. The flowers and leaves were imitated in three-dimensional form and enameling technique was used add colour. The details on figure 1 were added by the use of colour which formed line pattern on the flower petals. In my work, Imitate flowers by forging and doming pierced plate of metal in different sizes. Then I solder wire in the center of the smallest domed plate and add the other plates, the last plated will be soldered at the back so that the domed plates won't fall off the wire. I have not added colour on my roses. I have not find the suitable technique that I can use to add colour on metal. 

Figure 1- Phillips, S.J., (circa 1680). Enamel and ruby brooch, gold, ruby and enamel.

Figure 2- Lane, L., (unkown). Renaissance revival pendant, gold, enamel, opal, pearl and diamond.

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